Sunday, September 20, 2009

Now, if you know me, you know that I do not dig Mariah Carey. I think she's a diva, and not in the good way. I have also been alive and alert long enough to know that there's some baby mama drama shit goin' down between Mariah and Eminem in which he claims they had a relationship and she claims they did not. Their childish attacks (which could also just be brilliant PR, I suppose) are frequently featured in the news and in their songs.

So naturally, I was not surprised when I read an article/interview that she gave to Le 6-9 on Wednesday that went a little like this:

Le 6-9: So it’s not the question with Eminem?

Mariah: I don’t even know who that is. I wrote the song and I’m very happy with it. And I’m happy with my new album. So I don’t know if somebody wants to write their little songs. I haven’t heard them on the radio, I don’t know what’s going on with that. They don’t seem to play them here in America. I’m not sure so I don’t know.

Le 6-9: Eminem is a rapper if you don’t know him.

Mariah: Well, I have certain favorite rappers like Jay-Z, Kanye, I take it back
old school, we can go on for hours.


OK, so she's basically claiming that she doesn't know who Eminem ( "that" or "them") is and that she hasn't heard "them" on the radio and that they don't play "them" in America. Hmmm. Well either she's delusional or retarded. Probably both. She looks like an imbecile, since just seven years ago she was on Larry King talking about talking to him on the phone and hanging out with him. (Oh, and p.s....sure Mariah. Jay-Z and Kanye are so totally "old school." DELUSIONAL! )

So yeah... how does that go again? Me thinks thou doth protest too much? Is that it? Because yeah, I mean, by making statements that she doesn't know who Eminem is shows she's an idiot and only seems to further the fued and the drama. Whatever. I can't wait until he releases the photos and audio and whatever else he has. He seems to be a ticking timb bomb in that respect and I'll just clap my hands and open my eyes wide and say "goody!!!" until then. She can have 100s of lawyers on standby waiting for this to happen, but it'll still leak, and Perez and PITNB and Dlisted and Gawker and Defamer will all have it for minutes before its taken down and little "obsessed" Eminem will be vindicated (provided, of course, it's all true... which it sure seems to be!)

Celebrities are such interesting creatures. :-)

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